Monday, March 13, 2017

The one sample t-test (coefficient significance test)

In the one sample t-test we are testing whether population mean parameter μ equals some value μ0:

H0: μ=μ0
H1: μ<>μ0

Given sample of independent measurements xi for i=1..n with sample mean x̅ and sample standard deviation s, the t statistics is defined as:

The t statistics follows Student’s t-distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom under the null hypothesis.

To test for significance of an estimated coefficient β̂ in a (regression or ARIMA) model with p predictors, we test whether mean value of coefficients is equal to 0 (β0=0) :

The degrees of freedom decrease with each parameter. For instance, for linear regression model:

Because there are p predictors and one intercept.

An example in R language:


Friday, March 3, 2017

Time series (theoretical concept)

A time series is a collection of random variables {Y1,Y2,…YT} ordered in time. There is a stochastic process {Yt} that generates the series. Each element Y1,Y2,…YT of the series is a random draw from a probability distribution. However we can only observe one particular realization of the stochastic process {y1,y2,..yT} in reality.

The stochastic process {Yt} is then described by a T-dimensional joint probability distribution. The(unknown) parameters (mean, variance, covariance) of the joint probability distribution of {Yt} are, for each t=1,2…T:

For a weakly stationary time series it holds that:
To infer the parameters from a particular observed realization, we assume the process to be ergodic (the sample moments approach the population moments as T becomes infinite).